Up to this point, a lot of paperwork, hours of online adoption classes and very little financial commitment. Yes, I know it's coming but Andy and I have spoken very little about it. I"m afraid that talking about it will lead to a conversation and reality check about how we can't afford this and the financial strain it will put on our family.
So when the Social Worker called saying she would be in our area meeting with another family and could reminded me yesterday that we need to pay her the fee (for the home study) in full when she arrives, I was caught a little off guard. I mean, I knew it was coming but I had sort of been in denial. Up until this point, we were following the path laid out before us but so far the path had been pretty easy. But now I was being asked to come up with a large sum of money in 24 hours. Now is when the rubber hit the road. How serious are we??
When I casually (okay mumbled) to Andy about the money the night before, he reminds me of the impending financial obligations we have coming up in less than a month; not to mention Christmas is weeks away. "Honestly, it would be financially irresponsible at this time", Andy says. I know he's right but I'm sad and even worse, I hate having to tell "Kirsten" the night before we are not quite ready to start the interview process. Even though I know she's in Richmond for another family anyway, I am embarrassed and disappointed having to make that call.
So since I am a bit of a procrastinator I decide I will tell Kristen when she comes in the morning and hope that perhaps she'll go ahead with the interview since she's here anyway. I'm just not seeing this as an obstacle or a closed door like Andy may be thinking this is.
So I'm sitting in Panera grabbing coffee with a friend early this morning. While waiting I hop onto our online bank account to transfer Andy's paycheck into our "bill pay" account; except on this day I notice his deposit is off quite a bit. It is EXACTLY off by the EXACT amount we were expected to pay the social worker in EXACTLY 3 hours.
So after calling Andy in a bit of a panic, we were surprised to learn his end of year bonus came a few weeks early this year. There was nothing either of us could say. We knew exactly what that money was meant for and there was no doubt what we would do with it immediately. Gulp ..... God IS present and in this situation and there is no denying it on this day!
Welcome to our adoption journal! Thank you for sharing not only the journey of our adoption, but also the journey of our FAITH along the way. We want our boys to know how confident we are that God chose us as their forever family and how our FAITH has grown as a result of their coming into our lives. Joseph and Askia - you were loved beyond measure even before we met you! Submit your email below to follow the journey with us!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Social Worker's first visit
Email message to Carrie, Christy and Adeye.
- November 27, 2012
4:53pm"Andrea Holland Edmunds
Friends - PLEASE keep Andy and I in your prayers this week. Social worker coming Thursday to meet with us. I am so behind with getting my paperwork complete before she gets here. She wants me to have the bio's and half of the online training completed.
I had so hoped to work on it over holiday but had my mother (who has dimentia) with me the whole time and between her and spending time with the kids, I did not get to it.
In addition, we have to give her $$ on Thursday before our first meeting. The timing is really not good for us. Several unexpected things have come up and in general, December is always very tight between Christmas and taxes. :-(
I am trying not to stress. I know we will pull it together. God has ALWAYS come through for us and I have to think this is just a roadblock that is perhaps testing our faith.
I am trying to be positive and not worry too much.
I would still ask for your prayers that Andy's faith won't be tested too much that he starts getting cold feet.
Thank you. Stay tuned.
It's almost 5:00. I am swamped at work and had every intention of working on this today at the office. It hasn't happened as of yet. I know it's just a "moment". It will pass. Just needed to vent and knew you all would understand."
Friday, November 16, 2012
Are we sure we are doing the right thing? What if ....
Andy and I have been collecting all the required information for our Home Study - filling out forms, writing bios on ourselves, asking friends for personal references and started our online adoption training classes.
We had told ourselves we would continue "walking the road" towards adopting these boys but the minute we felt the door close, we would not "force" it and would accept this as a sign that we just are not being called to adopt these boys.
All while going through this very tedious process, we both have been really questioning things like: will they fit in with our family, what are their personalities like, what if there are attachment issues, what if ......
So, we thought this would be a good time to go visit the orphanage and secretly meet the boys under the guise that we are volunteering.
Message to Carrie:
"Andrea Holland Edmunds November 16, 2012Hey Carrie - Been so busy traveling lately but still plugging along with application. Andy and I did our physicals last week. The agency emailed me that they got our paperwork and are sending fingerprint cards for "clearance". Not sure what all that means but at least we are on our way (with Home Study).
Were you able to speak with Ms Mary about our visiting? If I had a definitive answer from her, we will look more seriously into booking a flight.
Thanks for checking in on me. Actually in a very emotional state today for some reason so it was nice to hear from you. I'm sure it's because of traveling and just being tired. Going home now to "be still"!"
It's clear from my message to Carrie that I am feeling a little bit of stress and questioning all of this. Andy and I agree that if we can meet the boys in person, that way we will know for sure that either we are doing the right thing or we will walk away from this crazy idea now.
Ha! We are about to be reminded very soon not to question God's plan but rather to follow and trust Him!
Monday, November 5, 2012
A Church Called HOPE
Message to Carrie:
"So I took the kids to a new church yesterday and had no idea it was Orphan Sunday. I sobbed in church. Called my husband the minute I got to the parking lot (he was out of town on business) to tell him that God was definitely speaking to me this morning. He got a little choked up; admitted he had had a similar experience with someone the night before. Needless to say, our first round of paperwork - application, check, etc - is ready to send off to the agency doing the home study. As soon as they fix our copier in my office, I will send it off. Hopefully tomorrow.I spoke with Adeye on Sunday and she suggested maybe Andy and I could visit the orphanage - obviously not let on to the boys that we are potentially adopting. I actually am looking into building a playground in an orphanage either in the states or elsewhere. Would Ms Mary be open to that? What do you think? Have you been able to ask her about getting their social backgrounds yet?Please know that with each day we are feeling the tug more and more and following God's call. Of course we are also having some apprehension - will they be a fit, will Oleman get along, are there any emotional issues with him being older and such a big change. blah, blah, blah. THANK you so very much. A"
So at the same time I was at HOPE, Andy was speaking at a class at UVA in Charlottesville, VA. As he walks into the classroom, he introduces himself to the first student he sees, a handsome dark skinned boy, with a distinct accent. Andy can't help but ask where the boy is from. "Ghana", he says. Gulp.....
So when we said that we would really need to hear God in this decision, God also knew he would need to show up loud and clear for us. Little did we know this was just the beginning of many similar signs and affirmations. Oh God is so good and so present if only we are listening.
Reaching out to Christy
Even though Andy wasn't the totally on board with the idea, I went ahead and decided to reach out to Christy, had shared the post on Adeye's FB wall. I have no idea where this is going; I just know I am somehow being drawn to these two angels.
"Whew....okay we are all smitten with their sweet faces and the most recent pics Carrie sent last night. My husband and kids are super intersted and excited to see if we are the right fit for their needs. What should our next steps be? I asked Carrie the same thing last night and will await her response but should I start the homestudy here in my area? Also, I realize there are a couple other families interested in the boys too. I just want them to find the right family for them and understand it may not be us but I want to be open should this be our calling. Thank you Christy!!"
Send! There I did it.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Brothers - Waiting for Much Too Long
....And the post read:
"Adeye - Please advocate for these boys. They are so old that no agency will bother listing them. They need a family willing to adopt independently from Ghana (we're doing that now and I'd be happy to help guide them). These boys NEED a family! They need and deserve to know the love of Christ! Please help their family find them! http://lambfamilyadopts.com/2012/08/29/brothers-waiting-for-much-too-long/"

This was the day our lives would be forever changed. This is their picture and their story and I could get
neither out of my head. I read the blog post that "Christy" had posted on my friend, Adeye's, FB Wall. Emma was sitting next to me on the couch that evening and noticed my tears. She read the story and immediately says to me "Mom, we gotta go get them. They belong in our family. They even look like us." Oh my sweet Emma. She is my kindred spirit and our forever optimist.
Andy initially thought I was crazy but I knew what I was feeling was more than some temporary sympathetic tug at my heart.
"Adeye - Please advocate for these boys. They are so old that no agency will bother listing them. They need a family willing to adopt independently from Ghana (we're doing that now and I'd be happy to help guide them). These boys NEED a family! They need and deserve to know the love of Christ! Please help their family find them! http://lambfamilyadopts.com/2012/08/29/brothers-waiting-for-much-too-long/"

This was the day our lives would be forever changed. This is their picture and their story and I could get
neither out of my head. I read the blog post that "Christy" had posted on my friend, Adeye's, FB Wall. Emma was sitting next to me on the couch that evening and noticed my tears. She read the story and immediately says to me "Mom, we gotta go get them. They belong in our family. They even look like us." Oh my sweet Emma. She is my kindred spirit and our forever optimist.
Andy initially thought I was crazy but I knew what I was feeling was more than some temporary sympathetic tug at my heart.
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