In the meanwhile, we talk to the boys at least once or twice a week. They are hopeful and happy and continue to ask when we will be coming back to see them.
I have been feeling so helpless lately; not knowing who to turn to for help or even what to ask.
So two weeks ago, I was working, had just received a text from Mary assuring me she was still checking in with Social Services regularly but that there was no change. I literally hit my knees in my office and wept and asked God to please just help in any way. And I asked Him what it was I was supposed to do. I just couldn't believe He had brought me this far for this adoption to fall apart.
This was on Thursday November 12th. Within 15 mins of my text and prayer, I received a phone call from a customer. I was helping with the Customer Service Lines at PoshTots because we were short staffed on that day. I answered the phone to a very polite pregnant woman asking about a cradle. After a couple minutes, I had to ask where she was from because I recognized that beautiful accent. "I'm from Africa", she replied. I asked "where in Africa". Of course my heart sank because I knew what her reply was going to be. "Ghana", she says. I then proceeded to tell her about my connection and visit to Ghana and how much I loved her country, the people and two young boys in particular.
She then asked me what "region" I stayed in when there. I said the Ashanti Region. She then tells me she is from Kumasi and her father still lives there. He is a physician and owns a hospital. I am in tears and she is clearly shaken up too. She tells me she never calls companies and prefers to shop online. She said she had a strong urge to call and talk with someone that day. As I explained I typically don't answer the CS lines, I only answered that day because we were busy. Clearly, God is laughing while the two of us are bantering back and forth and this crazy connection.
Okay, so let's fast forward to today. Nana has since contacted her father, who has contacted two lawyers who have also gone to the orphanage to meet with Mary and see the boys. I just received an email from her yesterday with pictures of the boys and Luvis and Vasty too. You see, because her fathers friends had difficulty getting Mary on the phone, they drove to Offinso to meet Mary in person and discuss our situation with her. I am teary just typing this again. I just cannot believe how incredibly generous this was.
I thanked Nana over and over again for all she and her father had done. She then proceeded to tell me that her father had offered to sign an affidavit of support for the court as he is very well known and respected in Kumasi. I just don't even know what to say other than God is still at work here and I still remain HOPEFUL!!
Below are the pictures that Nana's father emailed me of his visit at the orphanage. It breaks my heart to see the kids so sad and solemn. Also seeing the conditions of the orphanage just make me so sad too. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers!
~ Andrea

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